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New Flute Tree online store and blog is here


2017-04-01 00:00:00

Flute Tree Blog

Welcome to the new Flute Tree Blog and on-line store,
our latest website, online store and resource for flute players far and wide.


Since our first on-line presence in 1997, we have had plenty of time to think about what we would like to do with our inter-web giga-pixel persona

Our first efforts were to provide information, and only information. Specifications, brand history, product analysis and enough specifications to make your head spin. But maybe this lacked some essential aesthetic appeal, some case cover colours, and those vulgar price tags


It never seemed quite right to take our passion, our babies, our precious flutes and just list them with a bunch of prices, reducing them to a dollar value.
Dragging  a finely crafted instrument into a shopping cart and purchasing with a click, without consideration for timbre,articulation, ergonomic balance, seemed to demean the value of our fine flutes and piccolos, and remove the romance of the whole transaction.
A sale without soul is not for us.


But finally, after listening to you, our customers and much deliberation I think we have got the mix right.

A website to marry the ease of purchase of the on-line shopping cart, with unrivaled indepth specifications and information on the instrument, and eye-candy, drool inducing flutey images only a click away.
All delivered with the enthusiasm, passion and personalised customer attention , that only a small specialist business of motivated experts can deliver.


So what is new.

Choosing music is fun
(and easy, even for mums and dads)

I need that grade six piece with the maroon cover

Simply type in "Grade 6" to our search, and see  a page of pictures of grade 6 pieces.
Recognise the cover or listen to the music to see if it is the one you want.
.. DONE!


Looking for a nice piece at my level,
but I don't know where to start

Browse the music page or choose a composer.
Each piece has a "level" guide and many have a recording for you to listen to.


Love the piece.. just click to add it to your wish list.
You can then share the list with family and friends (function coming soon) so they can give the pieces as a gift! 


Choosing music






















Musical instruments are beautiful . . . .

product shots not so much.


We are tired of the same old product pictures on websites

A flute is a flute is a flute, or so it appears from the stock images of flutes that are repeated all over the web.
We endeavour to take all our own images.


Real pictures of the stock we have, taken with an eye to displaying the beauty of the finely crafted instruments ( don't tell me flutes and piccs are not beautiful!).
Each picture focuses on the unique features of that specific model and brand.

Eye candy, with substance

To make differentiating between instruments even easier we also list  each flutes specifications in detail so that they can be easily compared.

Product comparison


If any of this is too complicated, or just too time consuming just call.
We like to make life easy and can provide expert advice and have your purchase on its way to you in minutes 

So, we have tried to provide an online experience that is as engaging and as much fun as dealing with us in person.
If you feel we have fallen short please Please contact us now,
and experience the real thing

Australia Free call: 1 800 123 368

New Zealand Free call 0 800 

Intn'l +61 2 9564 1233
email info@woodwind-group.com.au