A collection of repertoire books of enjoyable, interesting, and stimulating material for use in the early stages of learning. The pieces in Book 1 are of around grades 1-2 standard and are in chronological order, with brief notes placing them in history.
Contents List:
El Grillo, Despres
Gavotte, Praetorius
March, Handel
Bella Vittoria, Bononcini
Minuet from Airs for the Four Seasons, Oswald
Slave Dance from The Magic Flute, Mozart
Minuet from the "Surprise" symphony, Haydn
Menuetto, Hook
Ecossaise, Furstenau
Air Russe, Beethoven
Landler, Schubert
Allegretto Cantabile, Concone
Du, Du, Boehm
Cradle Song, Brahms
Prithee, Pretty Maiden, Sullivan
My son Eduardo, Granados
The submerged Cathedral, Debussy
The Augustine Club Waltz, Joplin
Tovacov, Tovacov, Janacek
What little Princess Tulip says, Satie
Pierrot's Berceuse, Satie
Wistful Waltz, Harris